Crawl Space Episode 53 18 Again

The big 24-hour interval for Peter and MJ is finally here! To gloat, the show invites several special guests including Blackness True cat, Kingpin, Smythe, Scorpion, Liz Allen, Flash Thompson and Ashley Kafka! But can they survive Harry's insanity after he escapes Ravencroft? All signs point to possibly!

Story By: John Semper
Written By: John Semper and One thousand thousand McLaughlin
Music Composed By: Shuki Levy and Kussa Mahchi
Animation Services Past: Toyko Movie Shinsha (TMS)

THE PLOT: In apprehension for Peter and Mary Jane'south wedding, all heck breaks loose! Harry Osborn escapes from Ravencroft, Scorpion kidnaps Aunt May and Kingpin begins a business concern rivalry with J. Jonah Jameson! It all comes to a head right on the day of the anniversary just as Peter and MJ are about to be wednesday.

LONG STORY SHORT: Give thanks God for Liz Allen, equally she shows upwardly at the final minute and confesses her love for Harry which prevents him from marrying/bravado upward Mary Jane. Her and Peter finally go married, and ride off in Jameson's hymeneals gift which is a Spider-Man imaged news van.

MY THOUGHTS: *NOTE:This is the get-go episode since season one that does not have a storyarc name accompanied with its championship*

After a very disjointed fourth season, and a few episodes of build-up which ranged from mediocre to bad we are given the wedding of Peter Parker and Mary Jane Watson, and what a wedding it is. Well-nigh every major grapheme since the tertiary season re-appears to join the festivities in one way or some other and in spectacular fashion, this episode holds most nix back in order to make information technology the biggest event since the Symbiote Costume. Though some people will and take disparaged this one for having too many characters and being overall ridiculous, I hold it to "Battle of the Insidious Half-dozen" in terms of effectiveness and overall entertainment. And if you've read that review then you'll probably figure my thoughts on the episode.

My thoughts are that this episode is awesome.

It's not perfect, by any stretch of the imagination. For that thing neither was "Battle of the Insidious" Six". Right up front end the animation takes a hitting every bit not beingness as good every bit the terminal few episodes, which was their saving grace in some cases. A lot of desperately re-used animation, lip synching and overall cruddy designs bring this one downward a bit. But the story is very solid. Everything revolves around Peter and MJ'south nuptials, to the point that information technology's news in the paper, which puts certain hey players into action. Kingpin and Jameson get my vote for the funniest and best duo for the fact of Fisk just existence a likable wiggle throughout. He's always been likable, but in this episode I don't think he legitimately does annihilation wrong or illegal. I question slightly why exactly he did buy out a rival paper, whether it was just to screw around with Jonah or not. In that location's little reason otherwise, which is what makes it and so entertaining. The competition between the to the make Peter and MJ'south wedding ceremony the biggest party in the world is great fun with each of them constantly one-upping each other, and while some may notice it jarring for the series to take this kind of comedic tone, it's one of my favorite parts in the series for the sheer hilarity of information technology.

Information technology's easy to meet why this might be 1 the "SUCKS" list of people who are fans of the bear witness, only for the overall zaniness of information technology. So many things happen effectually the same time and you lot don't really care about Smythe or the Scorpion, as well you shouldn't. That was my biggest con, the fact that Smythe appeared again as a villain later "The Ultimate Slayer" and mainly for the fact that he's being a villain for no detail reason. Silvermaine'due south name is bandied about here a lot merely thankfully he's nowhere to be seen. The Scorpion returns, annoying as ever but I'd have him over the Vulture any day. I call up much like the movie Spider-Man iii, if you cut the fatty that was the villains who served the most extraneous purpose towards the hero information technology would exist a much amend overall product. Harry didn't need to team up with Smythe and Scorpion, he could have terrorized the wedding all by himself. It would have fabricated the fight sequence more personal and less busy. It didn't need silly robots on Goblin Gliders…and even so, that's the fun of this episode. Much like "Boxing of the Insidious Six", yous really question how much of the episode the writers took seriously. Robots on Goblin Gliders in and of themselves is ridiculous, only so 90s and then funny at the same time. That'southward something this series has over every other cartoon in the decade, winning, subverted and unintentional sense of humour. I hateful…the Kingpin yanked off the Scorpion'south tail and flung him completely away from the surface area. That is fantastic, and information technology shows that the series knows when to end with all pretenses and just have fun with itself and its crazy characters.

That's non to say that this episode doesn't have it's truly good moments or can't be taken seriously. Case in signal, we see the render/final appearance from Harry Osborn as the Dark-green Goblin. A lot of people criticize Gary Imhoff's performance as Harry and using that to say that Harry was desperately portrayed in this series. I experience he's as skillful as he could take been given the fourth dimension this came out, and that's decent in itself. Harry is a character with a lot of conviction and a lot of conflict that always leads to corking moments when going up confronting Spider-Man, and personally I thought he was well washed for the most part.

He'south completely total of crap though.

Credit goes to everyone'southward favorite Beatles fan Josh Bertone in reaching this conclusion, equally Harry is an accented hypocrite. He says in this episode that he dreams of Spider-Man taking away his father and Mary Jane, and then revealing himself to be Peter. Plain the dreams represent his angst towards Peter taking MJ back from him. But if we remember about information technology, Harry hooked up with MJ the same night she bankrupt up with Peter back in season two. In that episode "The Immortal Vampire", Harry says that he'south been trying to go MJ to date him for months. By that logic, he went behind Peter's back when Peter was dating MJ before since they had to be dating in order for them to break up. So all that time Harry had a stick up his butt and gave Peter grief near "friendship" and everything, Harry did the exact same thing but simply never was found out about it. What a twerp.

What's kind of cool about Harry in this though is that this episode basically calls out the concept of him truly being a villain. I've kind of waffled on that myself, non actually deciding either way if he tin be a adept or bad guy. This episode goes through the motions of him doing really terrible things like threatening to impale Mary Jane and the Priest if they don't get married (Harry and MJ, non MJ and the Priest) but the day is saved by Liz Ex Machina coming through in the eleventh hour to fufill what was evidently her graphic symbol's purpose the entire time. Information technology'south so funny because Liz has been the nigh marginalized supporting cast fellow member in this series, taking a backseat to Deb Whitman. She never had any scenes with Flash aside from a flashback to high schoolhouse in flavor iii, and she was basically Mary Jane's Gal Friday for talking almost guys. It's so funny because the closest it gets in the comics is the two of them beingness wife neighbors in J.M. DeMatties' Spectacular run before Harry goes crazy over again. What happens here? The two are BBFs and Harry goes crazy over again. Another case of the show trying to lucifer and then-current continuity simply I was never bothered by information technology. Absolutely, the Liz thing comes out of nowhere and is desperately written because until this episode the two had no scenes together at all. But the prove does attempt to foreshadow it in the first, especially in the Ravencroft scene with Liz in the mirror when Harry's talking to Mary Jane. It's non dandy, merely it's nice for what it is.

Some characters were nice in their cameo bits. This is the most we've gotten from Aunt May in a very long time, and I idea the $.25 with her giving Peter hers and Uncle Ben's hymeneals bands was a nice affect. Information technology was also very reminiscent of Spider-Man 2 where Doctor Ock kidnaps Aunt May from the banking company. Ashley Kafka had a overnice part as Harry'due south shrink, proving me expressionless wrong when I said that the Venom Returns/Carnage two-parter was her but appearance. Information technology was weird though how utterly clueless she was to everything Harry was telling her. Harry had told her that Peter was Spider-Man and that Norman Osborn was the Light-green Goblin and Kafka doesn't buy it for a second. Wait, why? What most information technology makes no sense whatsoever? It's different from Brock who kept that bit of information from her, and the fact that there was picayune evidence to the symbiote left over. (And plus she was proven wrong in that regard anyway.) It's just like her delineation in The Spectacular Spider-Man cartoon when she was proven wrong at every turn, but this was a bit much. What Harry said wasn't totally insane, and Kafka came off as condescending in that scene.

Blackness True cat's return in this episode did come off as forced unfortunately. I don't call back she and Peter were so close that she would show up for his hymeneals coming from Europe. I'd question how she found out nearly it, but equally we all know from the Blade render episode, Eastern Europe prints the Daily Bugle in English. It was still nice seeing her over again, and the scene with her and Fisk was a good one. I would think that Spidey seeing her once more would mess with his head, and it'south ane element of the show I think seriously missed a trick on in terms of possible tension between Peter, MJ and Felicia.

In terms of ranking this episode, information technology's interesting because it would be and so easy to rip this to shreds. There's mode too many characters, the animation's lacking, Liz Ex Machina at the terminate, and this is also the last time IIRC that we see Norman Osborn Light-green Goblin. At the same fourth dimension, it's an open and shut story idea. "Peter and Mary Jane get married, hijinks ensue in between." None of the bad stuff really impacts the episode overall in a bad way, and if fixed I think the ending would remain the same. Silly every bit though Liz'due south sudden proclamation is it'due south a perfect fashion to save Harry from being the Goblin once and for all. Afterwards being shunted past his begetter, by his friends Peter and Harry and by Mary Jane, he's found someone who has e'er loved him for who he is. Information technology doesn't matter why, nor is it even explained. But it's a happy catastrophe for the guy that he didn't go in the comics when this episode kickoff aired. That I remember is squeamish symmetry juxtaposed with Peter and Mary Jane'due south wedding.

four.v/five "MARY JAAANE!!!"s

All-time Quote Contender-

Kingpin: "It was then nice to partner with y'all my dear. If ever you demand a job…"

Blackness True cat: "Tin it Fisk. Next time I'm going to practise a job…ON YOU."

All images taken from Marvel.toonzone.internet and respectively.


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