World of Warcraft Female Shaman Art Draenei Dark Blue Monster

For the playable race, see Draenei (playable). For the draenei linguistic communication, encounter Draenei (language). For the draenei racial offshoots and tribes, see Broken draenei, Draenei Lost Ones and Draenei factions and organizations.

The Legion'due south end... draws about

- Draenei


The draenei (pronounced as DRAN-eye, DRAHN-eye, or DRAYN-heart) are a faction of uncorrupted Eredar who fled their home world of Argus, and again from Draenor following the corruption of the orcs every bit part of Kil'Jaeden's plot to wipe out the Draenei. Their base is on the Azuremyst Isles, near the west declension of Kalimdor, and they are function of the Alliance in the Called-for Crusade expansion. Their majuscule metropolis is the Exodar.


  • one History
    • Alternate histories
  • 2 Civilization
    • 2.1 Racial offshoots and factions
    • 2.2 Language
  • iii Relations
  • 4 Advent
  • v Notable draenei
    • five.i Noteable half-draenei
  • six Trivia
  • seven Media
    • 7.1 Images
    • 7.2 Videos
  • 8 References
  • 9 See also
  • 10 External links


Icon of Argus

A draenei priest and draenei paladin near The Exodar's crash site.


Long ago, on the planet of Argus, the Eredar race arose. They were extremely intelligent and had a natural affinity for magic in all of its forms. Using their gifts, they developed a vast and wondrous society.

At some point, they were visited past beings of low-cal, Naaru. They gifted the Eredar with the sacred ata'mal crystals, which enhanced their intellect and helped them unravel the mysteries of the universe.

At the height of their social club, the Eredar's 3 about prominent leaders, Kil'jaeden, Archimonde, and Velen, were approached by Sargeras, the Fallen Titan. Sargeras claimed he was impressed by the work of the Eredar: he wanted to supply them with even more power and knowledge, in commutation for their loyalty. Merely while Kil'jaeden and Archimonde readily accepted the deal, Velen had a vision of the future that filled him with dread. He saw the dark future his people were heading towards: siding with the dark titan Sargeras and transforming into demons. Velen saw the Legion in all its terrible might and witnessed the destruction it would wreak upon all of creation. He hastened to warn Kil'jaeden and Archimonde, but they dismissed his concerns and proceeded to profess loyalty to the Destroyer of Worlds. Together, the latter transformed a majority of their people into an insidious race of warlocks and later allied themselves with the Burning Legion.

Velen nearly despaired, simply his prayers for help were answered. A beingness came to Velen and explained that it was 1 of the naaru, a race of sapient energy beings aptitude on stopping the Burning Legion. The naaru offered to accept Velen and any other agreeing Eredar to safety. Deeply relieved, Velen gathered the other Eredar loyal to him. Naming themselves the "draenei", or "exiled ones" in the Eredun language, the renegades barely escaped from Argus in the naaru ship Oshu'gun, with the Burning Legion hot on their heels. Kil'jaeden was furious with what he felt was Velen'due south betrayal, and the demon vowed to chase Velen and the rest of the draenei to the ends of the cosmos if need exist.

The draenei visited many worlds and explored much of the known cosmos in their quest to discover safe harbor. Even so, a hell-bent Kil'jaeden would not give up his pursuit, sending his agent Talgath to hunt them downward. Meanwhile, the enigmatic naaru race blessed the draenei with Light-given cognition and ability. The naaru explained that there were other forces in the creation that would stand against the Called-for Legion. One day the naaru would forge them into a single unstoppable army of the Low-cal. Deeply afflicted by the naaru's words, the draenei vowed to honor the Low-cal and uphold the naaru's donating ideals.

At terminal Velen and his draenei settled upon a remote and peaceful globe that seemed an platonic refuge. They named it Draenor, or "Exiles' Refuge", and there they quietly cultivated their society in one case once again. Ever wary of existence discovered again by Kil'jaeden's forces, Velen and his mystics kept their magic hidden.

In time the draenei met and befriended the shamanic orc clans that already lived in the tranquil southern grasslands (later called Nagrand). Bated from engaging in some limited trade, the draenei and orcs regarded one another with respect just kept generally to themselves.

Withal, no corporeality of preparation could keep the draenei hidden forever. Eventually, Talgath—subsequently some 25,000 years of pursuit—stumbled upon Draenor, and reported dorsum to Kil'jaeden.

Kil'jaeden, however, was intrigued by the neighboring orcs. Through his protégé Gul'dan, he apace succeeded in corrupting them. Smoothly manipulated from a state of wary acceptance into blind rage and blood lust, the orcs attacked the draenei. This bloody conflict lasted nearly eight years, but the orcs' triumph was unequivocal. The orcs killed over eighty percent of the draenei race and sent the rest fleeing for safe to the remote corners of the world. Draenei who had fought the Horde and survived constitute that they had been affected by the fel energies wielded then freely by the orc warlocks. These draenei take since mutated into lesser forms, resulting in a series of subspecies.

Kil'jaeden's revenge was complete, or so he idea — Velen and a scattering of untransformed draenei accept survived the devastation of their cities by the orcs and fled to Zangarmarsh. There they have been hiding until recently.

The Exodar crash site.

Afterwards coming to Draenor, the claret elves discovered the ability of Tempest Continue and successfully seized it. To escape, the draenei came out of hiding and managed to wrestle control of a wing of the keep, The Exodar, and tried to utilise it to flee and find aid in retaking their habitation. Before they could, still, the blood elves managed to sabotage what is essentially the "engine" of the draenei'due south transdimensional travel. The residual of the Go along lies in Outland in Netherstorm and is now the domicile of Prince Kael'thas.

When the draenei tried to planeshift, their sabotaged engine went haywire, and The Exodar ended upwardly hurtling out of command through the Twisting Nether until it crash-landed on a concatenation of islands, the Azuremyst Isles, off the western coast of Kalimdor. As the surviving draenei salvaged what they could of their ship and tried to assistance what was left of their people, they began exploring this new world; contact with the night elves of Darkshore was imminent.

Alternate histories

Draenei (Lost One)

Draenei (Cleaved)

This data may not fit well with afterward cloth, all the same it is kept here for historical purposes.

This information about draenei originates from Warcraft Iii: The Frozen Throne. It predates knowledge of draenei subraces

For centuries the draenei have been battling the Fel Orcs...they have fought the orcs and their demon masters for generations... just in the last hundred years the draenei have been slowly losing. One group was lead past Akama, Elder Sage of the draenei. Cursed orcs serve Magtheridon—a terrible lord whose Black Citadel lies to the west. The cursed orcs, nether the command of Magtheridon, hunted the draenei to the brink of extinction. With the assist of Illidan and Kael'thas, the draenei hoped to plow the balance in their favor and rid themselves of the fel orcs once and for all. With Illidan's aid, they fought back to retake their bequeathed lands; and hoped that they would finish their expletive forever.[1]

This data about draenei originates from the Manual of Monsters "draenei" article and Lands of Conflict. Both sources focus on the Lost Ones draenei-subrace found in the Fallow Sanctuary (Swamp of Sorrows), Blasted Lands, and Outland). The information predates the beingness of the Harborage and knowledge of any other draenei subraces.

The draenei lived alongside orcs for countless generations on the planet Draenor. When that world exploded and crumbled into what is now known equally Outland, about of the draenei perished. A few managed to survive the cataclysm, however. When the Dark Portal was reopened into Azeroth, a pocket-sized number of draenei traveled through, scarred by the ordeal of their world's destruction. These ragged wretches at present phone call themselves the "Lost Ones," in mourning of their former world. Though otherwise a peaceful, private race, the draenei bear an intense hatred for all orcs and will slay them whenever the opportunity arises. Their home on Azeroth lies inside the Swamp of Sorrows, though some have begun to travel beyond the Swamp's borders in recent times. Scattered tribes of draenei are rumored to wander still the devastated fields of Outland, the last remnants of Draenor that nonetheless float inside the Twisting Nether.[2]

Having lost their dwelling ages agone, the draenei struggle to repossess their former lives - an impossibility, since their home no longer exists. However, without the effort, they would wither and die. Another gene that keeps the draenei alive is revenge confronting the orcs who once lived amidst them. They will take any risk to meet an orc killed. If they tin wipe out the entire race, so much the better. The draenei avert combat unless the enemy in question is an orc. So the normally peaceful draenei lash out in a fury, doing everything in their power to destroy their hated enemy.[two] They established a colony in the Swamp of Sorrows called the Fallow Sanctuary. They became vicious draenei and sequester themselves from outsiders, called themselves "lost ones".[3]


A draenei shaman's totem.

Approval of the Naaru

The draenei culture is centered around two things: the Holy Light of Cosmos and magic. The first is the upshot of their unique relationship with the naaru, while the second is the path that the Eredar have always followed. As a result, draenei usually choose religious professions, such as priests or paladins, or magical ones, such as the mage. A few have started to follow the path of the shaman nether the guidance of Farseer Nobundo.

As a people, the draenei accept devoted themselves to preparing for the solar day when they volition join the Army of the Light, when they will finally take the fight back to the Burning Legion and atone for the sins of their man'ari brethren. In spite of this overarching goal, the draenei still lead personal lives and pursue their own interests, just as other races practice.

As far as interracial relations go, the draenei still distrust or in some cases hate the orcs after having lost so many of their kind when the orcs turned on them. Sure characteristics of mod orcs, such equally their even so-green skin and the fact that some yet practice warlock magic (though their new allies, the humans, worgen, dwarves, and the gnomes, are also guilty of this), as well as personal grudges on both sides, make the road to forgiveness difficult, regardless of whatever peace initiatives Velen or Thrall are willing to launch. Nevertheless at that place are notwithstanding cases of acceptance betwixt the ii; for example, the Horde aligned Earthen Ring has accepted draenei and Broken shamans to heal Outland. The draenei are likewise coming to loathe the claret elves, due to the unprovoked assail on Tempest Proceed by the claret elves under Kael'thas and their new methods of feeding their magical habit. They practice see that not all claret elves serve Kael'thas and even Velen himself has forebodingly told of the redemption of the elven race in the Sunwell Plateau epilogue. Every bit with any other races though, in that location are people among them that have strong opinions and beliefs based on first impressions: Despite the help offered by the Scryers and Naaru'south acceptance of them the Aldor are in strict competition with them, going then far as not to associate at all with those who take chosen to side with the Scryers.

Despite their differences, the draenei tin be found fighting alongside claret elves confronting the Burning Legion on the Isle of Quel'Danas every bit part of the Shattered Sun Offensive.

The draenei banner showing what may be a weapon similar the ones Akama's forces used in Warcraft III.

Early on overtures of friendship with the Alliance had been met with varying degrees of success. Many of the Alliance races take problem distinguishing the draenei from the man'ari Eredar who nearly brought well-nigh their destruction. The night elves in detail have twice suffered heavily at the easily of Archimonde. Nevertheless, the draenei are quickly beingness accepted by virtually races, and ambassadors from the Exodar have been welcomed into the Alliance'south halls of power — fifty-fifty those of the nighttime elves, where a draenei emissary stands at the right of Tyrande herself.

Racial offshoots and factions

Main commodity: Draenei factions

The about ubiquitous faction of draenei in Outland are the pious Aldor of Shattrath City and their adherents throughout the Outland zones.

Some draenei mutated into lesser forms, resulting in a number of subspecies of which the Broken draenei and the draenei Lost Ones are examples.

Scattered tribes of Broken draenei wander amid the devastated fields of Outland.[two] [4] The Kurenai or "redeemed" in the draenei linguistic communication have settled in Telaar, Nagrand and befriend many Alliance adventurers. The Murkblood tribe based in the Underbog have spread from Zangarmarsh to Nagrand and are hostile to all. Akama'southward tribe is known equally the Ashtongue, while the elite are known every bit Ashtongue Deathsworn. Some of these tribes are at odds with Akama's tribe.

Another of these tribes left Outland after the devastation of their world and phone call themselves the Lost Ones.[2] There are also several Lost Ones villages in Outland.


In the RPG currently, draenei have only been said to speak Draenei, with no other chief or secondary languages listed. In Globe of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade, they also speak Mutual. Many high-ranking draenei who accept been in contact with orcs before their corruption likewise know Orcish.


Due to the Draenei's friendly and honorable attitude, they tend to go along well with other races, especially those who vest to the Alliance for obvious reasons, even if the race does not render the kindness. Draenei have very strong ties with the Dark Elves, who were the first of the Alliance to greet the Draenei and welcome them into the Alliance. Humans detect the Draenei odd, and frequently refer to them every bit one of the Alliance's more "exotic" races. Some Dwarves may share this feeling, but with the Dwarves learning the ways of the shaman, information technology can be assumed that the relationship between Draenei and Dwarves has strengthened. The Gnomes, existence a happy and friendly race, get along well with the Draenei, although some seem to agree that Draenei are "weird." Both races have a knack for technology, which benefits in the human relationship betwixt the two races. It is rather unknown how the Draenei feel well-nigh Worgen, but they virtually likely take neutral feelings towards each other.

Many Draenei hate the Orcs for their actions in Draenor. This leads to a distrust of the other races of the Horde. However, they don't seem to hate the Tauren, who are arguably the nigh honorable race of the Horde. Trolls appear to exist distrusted also. Forsaken are viewed equally dishonorable abominations, especially due to their contempo activities. While the Blood Elves are non allied with the Burning Legion, the Draenei dislike them simply every bit much due to what their brethren in Outland did to The Exodar.

World of Warcraft: Cataclysm This section concerns content exclusive to Cataclysm.

Along with the Nighttime Elves, information technology is very probable that the Draenei welcomed the Worgen of Gilneas as well, allowing them sanctuary in their lands if the Gilneans so choose. Relations between The Draenei and the Bilgewater Dare tin can be assumed to be rather hostile, with the cartel joining the Horde.

World of Warcraft: Mists of Pandaria This section concerns content exclusive to Mists of Pandaria.

Information technology is most probable that the Draenei have adept relations with the peaceful Pandaren Of the Alliance and still probably rather well with the Horde Pandaren as they do want peace.


Male person draenei artwork

Female draenei artwork

Draenei are physically like to the Eredar of the Called-for Legion.[five] They do not, all the same, seem to showroom the red peel of demonic Eredar. Draenei also lack the horns that demonic Eredar have on their faces (this is not noticeable in-game models, only in artwork). They do take fangs.[half-dozen] Draenei are described as beingness all or overall blue (with the exception of Velen who is described as having white skin later in his life).[7] In World of Warcraft: The Called-for Crusade, draenei skin appears in about shades of color betwixt very pinkish-white to light blueish upwards to night violet. Their claret is besides blue.[8]

Draenei who utilize the [Gift of the Naaru] racial ability have a glowing sigil float in a higher place their head for the duration of the effect.

Draenei males accept tendrils coming out of their chin and a fan-like brow plate which rises and overlaps other forehead plates behind it. Some males even display singled-out horn growth. Male draenei have large tails which are held erect past developed musculus structure. The female of the species exhibits marked differences: rather than the forehead plates featured primarily on the males, they accept vaguely horn-shaped cranial extensions that extend over the upper attic and terminate on either side of the crown. Female cranial tendrils sprout backside the ear and are typically long enough to reach the shoulders. Their tendrils are thinner than the male's. Female person draenei tails are shorter and take a lower muscle density. In both genders, the hooves are relatively large, in contrast to the more compacted hooves of their demonic counterparts.

Draenei can choose from a diverse pick of hair colors including gray, white, blue/black, brown, and regal. Similarly, the number of facial tentacles on male draenei can be customized. They can characteristic nil, one, ii, or four tentacles of different shape and size.

Notable draenei

Main universe

Proper name Office Condition Location Fidelity
IconSmall Velen.gif Prophet Velen Political and spiritual leader of most draenei. Live Vault of Lights, The Exodar Alliance, Exodar
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif High Priestess Ishanah Leader of the Aldor in Shattrath Urban center. Alive Shrine of Unending Light, Aldor Rising, Shattrath City Aldor
IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Karsius the Ancient Watcher Ethereal draenei who has been tasked with watching over the spirit of Teron Gorefiend. Killable Chantry of Shadows, Shadowmoon Valley Unknown
IconSmall Iridi.gif Iridi Draenei priestess featured in Richard A. Knaak's novel Nighttime of the Dragon. Deceased Buried in Outland Unknown
IconSmall Draenei Female.gif Tamuura Draenei mage, featured in DC Unlimited'south World of Warcraft: Series 3 action figure set. Unknown Unknown Unknown
IconSmall Draenei Girl.gif Dornaa Shattrath's orphan from Children's Calendar week. Through the questline it appears she is fated to grand things in the future. Live Shattrath City Unknown
IconSmall Nobundo.gif Farseer Nobundo One-time draenei vindicator and one of the most tragic heroes among the Broken of Outland. First of the draenei shaman. Alive The Crystal Hall, Exodar Alliance, Exodar
IconSmall Akama.gif Akama Principal of Ashtongue Deathsworn, a faction of Broken draenei that first aided (and now plan to dethrone) Illidan Stormrage. Alive Warden'due south Cage, Shadowmoon Valley or Black Temple, Shadowmoon Valley Illidan's forces,Ashtongue Deathsworn

Sha'tar (secretly)

IconSmall Draenei Male.gif Nemuraan A survivor of the draenei massacre Unknown Unknown, Terminal seen at Auchindoun Auchenai, Army of the Calorie-free presumed
IconSmall Broken Male.gif Erunak Stonespeaker Member of Earthen Band in Vashj'ir. Alive Vashj'ir; Throne of the Tides Earthen Band
IconSmall Maraad.gif Vindicator Maraad Uncle of Garona Halforcen. Deceased Skybreaker, Icecrown, Shadowmoon Valley (Draenor), Talador Valiance Expedition

Alternate universe

Name Role Condition Location Allegiance
IconSmall Velen.gif Velen Political and spiritual leader of most draenei. Deceased Karabor, Shadowmoon Valley Brotherhood
IconSmall Yrel.gif Yrel High exarch of the draenei on Draenor. Live Nagrand, Tanaan Jungle Council of Exarchs, Hand of the Prophet

Noteable one-half-draenei

Proper name Part Condition Location Allegiance
IconSmall Garona.gif Garona Half-orc of draenei descent, though alleged to exist one-half-human. Alive, captured Bloodgulch, Twilight Highlands Shadow Council, Stormreaver association

Kingdom of Azeroth, New Quango of Tirisfal

IconSmall HalfDraenei Male.gif Lantresor of the Bract Half-draenei of half-orc descent. Alive Nagrand Boulderfist
IconSmall Med'an.gif Med'an half-orc, one-half-draenei from his female parent'due south side, father is Medivh making him Quarter-orc, Quarter-draenei, one-half human being. Alive Unknown New Quango of Tirisfal


  • The Icon-youtube-22x22.png male Draenei dance is inspired by the Icon-youtube-22x22.png "Tunak Tunak Tun" video (1998) by Punjabi musician Daler Mehndi. While the female Draenei trip the light fantastic toe is inspired by the belly trip the light fantastic from Shakira's "Hips Don't Prevarication".
  • The Draenei have many similarities with Eastern European, Middle Eastern, and Indian sub-continent Sikhs.[ citation needed ]
  • The Draenei people's story is quite like to the Dunmers' one from The Elderberry Scrolls universe: both peoples had to run from their native land because of their beliefs or choices, falling in another conflict with the races they come across (the Draenei with Horde races, the Dunmer with Nords, Argonians and then the Empire), and naming themselves in a style that remembers their troubled by (Draenei= Exiled Ones; Dunmer= Cursed Ones); also both peoples were led past leaders who are chosen "prophets" (and also share a similar name): the Draenei by Velen, the Dunmer by Veloth.
  • The Draenei draw some similarities with the Quarians from the Mass Result series, including their accents when speaking, and both existence conflicting races exiled from their homeworlds. The similarity is peculiar since the Quarians were first introduced in November 2007 with Mass Outcome, only World of Warcraft: The Burning Crusade The Burning Crusade expansion with Draenei was released much earlier in Jan 2007. It'south possible that each team observed the other, only didn't seem to notice the similarities.





  1. ^ Warcraft III: The Frozen Throne
  2. ^ a b c d Manual of Monsters, pg. 26
  3. ^ Lands of Conflict, pg. 58-59
  4. ^ Warcraft Three: The Frozen Throne
  5. ^ http://world wide
  6. ^ person=thammer&cat=warcraft&fine art=sixteen
  7. ^ Rise of the Horde, ?.
  8. ^ Rise of the Horde, 136.

Run across likewise

  • Draenei
  • Draenei NPCs
  • Draenei (Warcraft Three)
  • Draenei controversy
  • Draenei Hamlet

External links

  • Icon-warcraftmovie-22x22.png Draenei


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